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Anicura Dog Spray, 1 Pack (1 x 100 ml)
Natural Spray for itchy & dry skin, irritated skin, eczema, hot spots and other skin allergies
Quickly calms your dog’s skin. Helps to break the itch-scratch cycle and supports the healing process of your dog’s skin
Anicura Dog Spray will absorb rapidly and deeply into your dog’s skin. If your dog has very sore skin you do not need to rub the spray in as it will absorb by itself
Anicura products only contain the finest oils, minerals and vitamins. Suitable for use on all pets and on broken skin. Also safe if your dog licks the affected skin after applying Anicura
A spray application can be far more practical and economical than a cream. It can easily be used in and on the coat and doesn’t need to be rubbed in
Categorie: Accessori per toilette, Spray deallergizzanti
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